Started in 2004, Village Tree Preschool (VTP) is a one of a kind preschool with an intimate, hands on approach to Preschool and Junior Preschool. Our programs are child directed which instills a love of learning that lasts a lifetime!
We offer an emotionally secure and nurturing environment for all of our children with a low "Auntie" (teacher) to child ratio allowing us to personalize your little one's experience. This makes transition from home much easier. Your child will NEVER be just another number.
At Village Tree we sing, dream, question and resolve. Through adventure our little ones naturally have the competency and motivation for learning when provided opportunities for play and individual choice, while still having structure.
We open our children's minds to new forms of expression by exposing them to music, art, science, math, yoga, outdoor play and much, more.
Village Tree Preschool's Mission is to bring a sense of balance, continuity and fun to everyday learning for your children. The VTP mission is accomplished by providing nurturing care with a cutting edge curriculum in an inclusive environment, and by helping families build community networks that support all of their needs.
VTP's overall goal is to provide a well-rounded preschool program that fills the gaps of traditional preschools through our hours of operation and care philosophy. We do this by creating a warm environment that mimics, as closely as possible, the child's familiar routine in order to facilitate a comfortable transition from home to school.
VTP's programs have proven deep and long-lasting effects on the children and families served. Children at VTP can look forward to growing to their full potential. Our alumni come to us saying just how much they thrive in today's competitive school environments thanks to a strong curriculum, which focuses on vital skill development.
VTP's families also benefit from an excellent and wide-reaching referral network. VTP assesses each family's particular needs within the home and provides or refers the specialized services that will most help them.
Hi Moms and Dads!
My name is Jade Stanford,
Founder of Village Tree! I'm the mom of two amazing kids and wife of the best guy ever Robbie! :)
In 2004, we needed part-time care for our then two and four year old children while my hubby went to multiple chemotherapy treatments and doctor's appointments. At that time, flexible childcare was impossible to find and very costly. Not only that, I found most of the preschools had a huge teacher to child ratio which didn't work for my children, and doesn't work for most.
October 2004, using my early childhood experience, I decided to start a daycare in our home, which offered flexible hours, but as well, would help families facing chronic and terminal we do to this day!
Within just a few years our program was awarded by...PBS, CA State Senate, and the United States Senate for Exemplary Childcare. Yes, we are proud of that, but more proud of the fact that we have grown to help others, and our COMMUNITY! We have become a true "Village".
The heart of our Village is my sweet hubby, my love. We could not have possibly grown so tremendously if my hubby had not joined VTP.
Robbie has been blessed. He has stayed healthy because of our "Village". He is the heart and soul of our school!
I welcome you to our "Village"!
Village Tree Preschool: (INFANT / TODDLER)
3608 Clarington Ave. Los Angeles, CA. 90034
Village Tree Preschool
4235 Duquesne Ave.
Culver City, CA. 90232
Ages 2.5 to 5.5 years of age (potty trained only)
Contact us @